2019年12月3日 星期二

看哪 神的國度-全球聚集

於2019-11-10發佈. 國度禱告網
2019 Global Gathering - Online 12-12-2019
2019 線上全球聚集 12-12-2019 YouTube

1212 看哪 神的國度-全球聚集(線上) 
12•12 Behold the Kingdom - Global Gathering (Online)
Thursday, December 12, 2019
5:00 AM 7:00 AM PST
Google Calendar ICS
請預留時間,邀請您的家人和朋友在 12月12日 一起加入我們!!
Please save the date and invite your family and friends to also join us on 12 – 12!
時間:早上5時至7時 (太平洋標準時間)




從2019年開始,我們見證了一個持續的吼叫聲,隨著我們從一個國家到另一個國家地聚集,這個吼叫聲也越來越有力。在九月三十日,上千上萬的人在網上參與全球聚集,同聲發出巨大的喊聲—一股能覆蓋全地的聲音。因聖靈在全球連結基督身體的偉大工作,我們不禁站立驚奇。我們見證超過七十個國家,象徵著上千萬人從自己的家、教會、全城的聚集中聚合為一,使我們滿心歡喜。我們釋放了號角聲,帶來了時間的改換,催促了一次靈界裡的全球切換。(參閱:2019年9月30日 全球吹角節網路會議- 釋放猶大獅子的吼叫 )









We are excited to announce our second Global Gathering: Online!
Another opportunity to gather together from our own homes, offices or meeting places, no matter where we are in the world.
Please save the date and invite your family and friends to also join us on 12 – 12!

We are walking in the times of prophecy, one that has been foretold over many decades: A time of great awakening, glory and shaking.
Since the dawn of 2019, we have witnessed a sustained roar, increasing in strength, while we journeyed from one nation to the next throughout this year. On September 30th, thousands gathered together – online – for a Global Gathering, to release a massive shout in unison – a sound which covered the earth. We stood in awe of the Holy Spirit’s work to connect the Body of Christ globally. Our hearts were overjoyed to witness over 70 nations represented, with thousands coming together in homes, churches, and city-wide assemblies as one. We released a trumpet blast that ushered a change of times and prompted a global shift in the spirit realm.

As we came together, we felt the Spirit confirm a new era globally, transitioning into The Era of the Kingdom. We feel God is placing crowns on His Children and entrusting His Bride with a greater level of governmental authority and power. We believe the Yes of the Bride and the Yes of the Bridegroom are coming together in a sonic boom, that will result in the veils being removed from the eyes of the lost and reaping of His end time harvest. This boom is the sound Creation has been longing for since the beginning of time.

We anticipate a great metamorphosis of the Church in this next decade, starting in 2020, and a return to the purity and power of the book of Acts, into the full stature of His Glorious Bride, perfected in the image of her Bridegroom.

In the midst of this great reformation of the Church, we believe we are entering a time of shaking like the world has never seen. God will shake all that can be shaken; He will blow away all that has hindered the harvest. His unshakeable Kingdom will stand and shine brighter than ever, filling the earth with the revelation of our Father, the King!

Many feel that the last months before the end of 2019 are vital in positioning us to enter into a strategic season for possessing our inheritance. We believe the Spirit of the Lord is releasing a call, summoning us to gather in a Global Gathering: Online, to position and align ourselves with His mind, His heart and His will.

Join with your family – in your home, with your community, or your church – as we present ourselves to the Lord at the turn of this new era, and surrender ourselves as one.